We must abolish the entitlement that deludes us into believing that we have the right to make assumptions about people’s identities and project those assumptions onto their genders and bodies. (Janet Mock)

Ekaterina Chikalova, Ph.D., consults for the Centre of Urgent Psychological Care. She is a researcher and expert in the sociology of communication. Chikalova’s research interests include gender issues in media and advertisement, contemporary media-representations of fatherhood and masculinity, violence prevention, support services for marginalized groups and mental help support.
Cory Hayden is an artist, activist, and management specialist. He is politically involved with elections of progressive and diverse candidates. His art work reflects the issues of diversity, equality and acceptance in Canada.
Evgenia Ivanova, LLB, holds the MA Degree in Gender Studies and MA Degree in Sociology of Law. She is a lecturer in European Humanities University and coordinator in the EHU Centre for Gender Studies. Ivanova is a Co-Chair of ADLIGA: International Centre for Gender Initiatives: Women for Full Citizenship and a board member of WIDE+. She is the head editor of an educational feminist journal “Women in Politics: New Approaches to the Political” (Zhenschiny v politike). Her research interests include feminist political theories, human rights, gender and citizenship, body and politics, biopolitics, and Chernobyl. She со-authored several textbooks in gender studies, including “Sex/Gender: A Handbook for Lawyers (Pol/Gender: Posobie dlia yuristov)” (Minsk, 2004) and “Sex. Gender: A Handbook for Social Service Officers (Pol. Gender: Spravochnoye posobie dlia gosudarstvennykh sluzhaschikh)” (Minsk, 2005). Website: oxford.academia.edu/EvgeniaIvanova
Alexander Pershái, Ph.D., is a diversity and inclusion specialist; he works with gender, sexuality, and ethnicity issues. Pershai consults, facilitates workshops and advocates about gender diversity, non-binary inclusion and gender-biased violence prevention for international development and non-profit initiatives. Pershai is a board member and student adviser at the Centre for Gender Studies of the European Humanities University; he manages and co-edits a feminist education journal “Women in Politics New Approaches to the Political” (Zhenschiny v politike). He authored a monograph entitled “Semantics of Gender: On Gender Stratification in Idiomatic Expressions” (2014). His areas or expertise include: inclusive language, language politics, transgender issues, intersex, non-binary identities, gender mainstreaming, migration, social minorities, and post-socialist transition. Website: www.ehu-lt.academia.edu/AlexanderPershai
Olga Petrukovich is an independent researcher and social activist. She holds the Master of Arts Degree in Sociology and Gender Studies. She co-founded a public feminist library in Belarus “Gender Library” (www.genderlibrary.wordpress.com). Her research interests include gender-related politics, social regulations of reproduction, gender and media, and civic society.
Matthew Tegelberg, Ph.D., is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Social Science at York University (Canada). He is a Research Associate with “MediaClimate”, an international network of media scholars based at the University of Bergen, Norway, and Tampere University, Finland. His research examines media representations of indigenous peoples and global journalistic coverage of climate change. His writing has appeared in “Tourist Studies”, “Canadian Journal of Communication”, “International Communication Gazette”, and “International Journal of Cultural Studies”. Tegelberg is an experienced academic editor. He has worked on scholarly manuscripts, journal articles, book chapters and served as an editorial reviewer for “Journal of Professional Communication”, “Tourist Studies”, and “Tourism Management”. He specializes in language and style editing and has worked with authors from around the globe to help communicate their ideas and research in English more effectively. Website: mcmaster.academia.edu/MatthewTegelberg
Anna Zhyn is a Belarusian designer and artist. She works with different media, including photography, painting, soft sculpture and installation. She has had personal exhibitions in “The Ў Gallery”, “London”-Gallery, The Art Palace (Dvorets iskusstv) in Minsk, Belarus, and in the Gallery of the Ontario Secondary School Teachers’ Federation in Toronto. Her art projects investigate gender discrimination and harassment, as well as other types of social and cultural oppression. Website: www.annazhyn.com