We must abolish the entitlement that deludes us into believing that we have the right to make assumptions about people’s identities and project those assumptions onto their genders and bodies. (Janet Mock)

The educational feminist journal “WOMEN IN POLITICS: NEW APPROACHES TO THE POLITICAL” is a self-funded initiative. It is distributed free of charge and targets social and political activists in Belarus and in a broader Russian-speaking post-Soviet space. The issues appear in print and digital formats. The digital copies are available for free download at the journal’s website www.fempol.com
The journal “WOMEN IN POLITICS” is seeking your donations and support. It is necessary to ensure that the journal comes out in digital and printed forms. Printed materials and books especially retain great symbolic and cultural values in Eastern Europe. Despite the global “digitalization” many people in the former Soviet countries prefer to read “paper-based” books and journals. Many even print out digital texts and work with the hard copies. At the same time, many activist websites are banned on the Belarusian internet; printed copies are necessary to guarantee the availability of the journal to the Belarusian general public. Therefore we kindly ask for your donations.
This project supports production and publication of a new important periodical publication that advances the education of people in Belarus and other former Soviet countries on the subject of gender. It raises gender awareness among political actors and promotes equality of opportunity for women and other marginalized groups in the post-Soviet countries. The publication and dissemination of printed copies of the journal enhances public visibility to the issues of gender equality, equal opportunity, diversity, anti-violence initiatives.
Donating to the journal will help to publish and distribute printed copies of the journal to public libraries, educators, activist organizations, state agencies and bodies primary in Belarus other post-Soviet countries. Your donations will contribute to create and grow an anti-oppression body of teaching materials on women’s, gender, sexuality, and equal opportunity issues.
We apply different strategies in order to keep this project sustainable, including networking with scholars and activists, media communications campaigns, and the physical distribution of printed copies to public and school libraries, as well as women’s and political activist organizations.
To be more specific: the editorial works closely with different women’s and political education organizations. We plan our issues in relation to their needs and requests and keep it flexible. This is how we make sure the journal addresses burning issues in Belarusian society and is indeed used for educational purposes in activist training and educational workshops. At the same time, we disseminate our calls for papers for our forthcoming issues on Facebook and in other media to make sure it reaches the broadest audience, especially young women. Everybody can become an author in our journal. We particularly welcome young activists’ and educators’ voices. We also support young artists working with social and political issues.
The digital copies of the journal are disseminated through different online media. It is available to download free of charge from the journal’s website and on the academic social network portal, www.academia.edu. We advertise our available and forthcoming issues on social media sites.
If you want to donate please contact the editorial at: political.new.approaches@gmail.com
The journal “WOMEN IN POLITICS: NEW APPROACHES TO THE POLITICAL” emerged as part of a project on the inclusion of women in politics that is conducted by the International Centre for Gender Initiatives “ADLIGA: Women for Full Citizenship”. “ADLIGA” is a women’s non-profit organization and a registered charity (Registration Number 22838911).
We accept general donations and funding for special projects. For example, you might prefer to sponsor the publication of one of our forthcoming issues that addresses a specific topic. Currently, we are working on the following topics: gender and citizenship, politics of emotions, gender and nationalism, the politics of knowledge and public education, social and economic equality, gender in media policies, activism and international networking, capitalism, body image, and women in disaster studies.
We will provide a detailed budget on how your contribution will be executed. We will also provide a financial report upon completion of a project that you chose to fund. Please contact the editorial for details: political.new.approaches@gmail.com
We would like to express our gratitude and appreciation to the organizations, funds, and anonymous donors that provided financial or informational support to the educational journal “WOMEN IN POLITICS: NEW APPROACHES TO THE POLITICAL”.
The Centre for Gender Initiatives “ADLIGA: Women for Full Citizenship”
The Centre for Gender Studies of the European Humanities University
Project Civil Society Stability for Belarus (CSSB), The Nordic Council of Ministers